Cloud Cost Optimization

Worried about cloud cost overruns this year?

Seems you’re in good company. Sixty-four percent say that cost management and containment is the biggest concern with running in the cloud.

expect to exceed budget by 20-40%
expect to exceed budget by 40%

How does 30% savings sound?

With an SLA-backed guarantee, we deliver 30% or more savings on monthly AWS costs, helping you establish a pattern of long-term cost-cutting in the cloud.

  • Access guaranteed savings. Reduce your AWS service costs by 30% or more.
  • See near-immediate ROI. Realize savings from the first month with our quick-start process.
  • Offload cost management. Relieve in-demand cloud staff of complex cost management tasks.
  • Lay a firm foundation. Build a strategy to deliver ongoing savings.

“Cloud budget overruns don’t have a singular cause. Instead, they come in a bright rainbow of jelly bean flavors. And, as such, each requires a different kind of response.”

—Lydia Leong, Gartner

Insight from an intelligent dashboard

Use the Cloud Cost Optimization Dashboard to monitor and simplify the financial complexity of cloud adoption and relieve high-value staff of time-consuming cost management.

  • Monthly and daily overviews of costs, usage, and savings, with metrics and visualizations.
  • Active commitments including start/end dates and usage levels.
  • Reserved instance coverage to track usage and identify potential waste.
  • Technical costs with spending tracked by instance, location, operating system, and service.
  • Billing data for invoice support.

A cloud cost optimization success story with Virgin Hyperloop One

“…always looking for how they can better help us help ourselves.”

Virgin Hyperloop One (VH1) is an American transportation technology company that works to commercialize a high-speed travel concept called Hyperloop – a variant of the vacuum train.

VH1 invested heavily in AWS for compute, storage, database, and container services. They use their AWS environment primarily for testing and development but did not have the appropriate visibility into cost drivers.

VH1 teamed up with InterVision® to gain the visibility they needed. Our AWS cloud experts analyzed VH1’s environment and identified areas of improvement and recommended a remediation plan that saved VH1 30%. We continue to work closely with VH1 on a monthly basis to track plan progress and ensure utilization and spend are optimized.

“InterVision and its team members working with Hyperloop have been our best and most effective partner to date. Their work is always detailed and thorough and broadly covers all our needs from shopping, billing, administration, and technical. They really listen to us and clearly work hard to provide us with hand-built answers, solutions, and services. Can’t recommend them enough.”

Guaranteed savings with fewer headaches

As an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner, we offer deep cloud architecture expertise and sophisticated financial analysis, to give you significant savings. You can expect savings in these areas:

  • Idle Resources. Identify unused AWS services and infrastructure to eliminate unnecessary spending.
  • Compute. Right-size compute resources and review pricing models to optimize performance and cost.
  • Storage. Pinpoint opportunities to minimize AWS storage costs while ensuring availability.
  • Data transfer. Identify and target opportunities to reduce data transfer costs.
  • Governance. Review account structure, notifications, controls, and tagging to implement cost-saving policies, processes, and tools.
  • FinOps savings. Identify available savings plans and credits, and leverage proprietary reserved instances to maximize AWS investments.

Knowledge is power

Our experts have compiled research and recommendations to help you better understand threats, protection, and solutions.

Benefit from a comprehensive approach with maximum protection and minimum disruption.

Discover how we can help you transform your business with innovative solutions and exceptional service.

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