Security Awareness Training

How many of your employees have been phished?

The FBI ranks phishing as the number one most frequent threat vector. Phishing attacks were involved in more than 80% of cyber incidents reported in 2021.

employees who click on phishing email links
employees who enter credentials on a phishing website
annual business losses from phishing attacks

Fight back phishing attacks. Turn your employees into a “Human Firewall.”

Without an aggressive cyber defense strategy, you’re inviting trouble—especially if employees are unaware that they’re targets. And while email and social media phishing remain the most frequent (and effective) network attack vectors, fight back with the right security awareness training. It can turn your employees—your most important line of defense—into “human firewalls.”

  • Prevent incidents and reduce risk by stopping breaches before they occur.
  • Lighten your IT workload with automated training and testing.
  • Address threats on all fronts with training across the enterprise.

Security awareness training reduces risk levels by an order of magnitude

Our KnowBe4 security awareness system trains employees to become sophisticated defenders against phishing attacks, then keeps skills sharp with ongoing automated testing. Regular reporting gives you a clear idea of your level of improvement and how to further tune the program, improving your protection while meeting security training requirements for insurance.

Comprehensive security training, for today and tomorrow

Our Managed Security Awareness program includes:

Image module


We’ll help you select the KnowBe4 licensing and content options that work best for your organization.

Image module

Setup and management

Smooth, automated onboarding and training delivers the knowledge and skills employees need to stay safe.

Image module

Ongoing support

Security questions or concerns? Employees can reach out any time.

KnowBe4 security awareness

KnowBe4 security awareness training helps employees build knowledge and resilience with engaging web-based training, realistic simulated phishing attacks, and ongoing assessment and feedback.

  • Baseline assessment. Simulated phishing attacks establish Initial risk levels.
  • Interactive learning. Interactive training modules, videos, games, templates, and more make up the world’s largest library of security awareness training content.
  • Ongoing testing. Automated simulated phishing attacks keep employees alert and informed long after their initial training.
  • Actionable reporting. Customizable reports and graphs track student progress, evolving security readiness, and ROI on your training investment.

Benefit from a comprehensive approach with maximum protection and minimum disruption.

Discover how we can help you transform your business with innovative solutions and exceptional service.

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