Risk Assessment

How much is network security worth to you?

midsize organizations experienced ransomware attacks in 18 months
midsize organizations that pay $250,000+ to recover from a ransomware attack

Know your enemy, and know thyself

Bad actors are remarkably sophisticated about exploiting system vulnerabilities—and remarkably successful. A security risk assessment can identify gaps in your security defenses, laying the groundwork for reinforcement and repair.

  • Identify and understand existing vulnerabilities
  • Develop a prioritized improvement roadmap
  • Forecast and budget resources needed to close gaps
  • Respond to audit documentation

The team approach to security risk assessment

Organizations of any size are targeted if hackers see value in launching threats against them. That’s why when we evaluate your business, we leave no stone unturned. Every assessment we perform is characterized by:

Ransomware Protection


Answer 3 quick questions to better understand your level of protection and readiness. 


1 / 3

Do you have a Security Expert that is responsible for your organization's security posture?

2 / 3

Do you have a tested Disaster Recovery Strategy that includes immutable, air gapped, offsite data and recovery capabilities?

3 / 3

Do you have the ability to monitor your environment for active threats to protect, detect, and respond to a cyber-attack 24x7x365?

5 steps to security risk assessment

Security risk assessment is based on research, not guesstimates. Each assessment follows the following five-step process.

Step 1
Pre-assessment worksheet.
A high-level inventory helps determine the scope, level, and focus of an engagement.

Step 2
Security posture evaluation.
We evaluate business and technology alignment, business impact, and policy and procedure needs.

Step 3
Compliance assessment.
May be required to fulfill specific regulatory or compliance requirements, or to assess alignment with internal standards.

Step 4
Penetration testing.
Our experts probe your environment, flagging all potential and existing security gaps. The results are translated into an overall risk score; the higher the score, the more urgent the mitigation efforts.

Step 5
Risk assessment plan.
This customized action plan functions as a roadmap, prioritizing actions needed for immediate and ongoing security improvement.


Next steps: Post risk assessment

Based on the results of your risk assessment, we develop a risk reduction plan that aligns with both risk levels and alignment with business needs. The plan outlines how to optimally protect your environment against ransomware and other cyber attack vectors for:

Image module


Image module


Image module

Networking equipment

Image module


Image module

Private and public clouds

Image module

Other critical infrastructure components

Benefit from a comprehensive approach with maximum protection and minimum disruption.

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