Data Led Migration

Still delaying a data led migration?

More than 80% of data led migration projects run late and/or over budget. The complexity of multiple protocols, large data volumes, and multiple stakeholders creates massive complexity for data led migration projects.

average time overruns
higher productivity in analytics teams

The game-changing potential of a well-executed data led migration

Data is what fuels modern business, making data led migrations a necessary process. When rightly harnessing the power of data, it can be a game changer.

  • Unlimited room for growth. Cloud data storage provides unlimited storage capacity along with high availability, redundancy, and fault tolerance.
  • Inform strategic business decisions with analytical tools. Access a wide range of analytical tools that can be integrated into data lakes and warehouses for predictive analytics, machine learning, or AI solutions.
  • Cost-effective, secure, and compliant. Data is stored in more cost-effective platforms and encrypted both at rest and in transit, meeting the most stringent security and regulatory requirements.

Executing successful data led migrations

The reality is that you have a higher probability of success if you have a proven approach for data led migrations and engineers who have experience working with large data storage devices in the public cloud. 

A proven migration process

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Work begins by engaging primary stakeholders and owners of the data storage devices to begin some high-level planning.

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Discovery and Assessment
Utilizing third-party tools like Datadobi, discovery assesses the usage of different types of storage devices and the data stored in multiple protocols.

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Using the insights from discovery, plans are developed for a phased migration approach to ensure accuracy, continuity, and organizational continuity.

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Progressive Execution
Perform migration and follow up with testing and auditing to ensure that all the data is migrated, and the data is complete.

Pro Tip: By first migrating “cold” data, not directly associated with workloads, you’re able to free space on the source device, giving you some breathing room before the next migration phase.


Department of Water Resources (DWR) achieve data compliance with AWS storage and backup services

Learn how DWR migrated their data to AWS, securely housing their data and increasing capacity for the future without investing in a single piece of physical infrastructure and while lowering overall expenditures.


Knowledge is power

Our experts have compiled research and recommendations to help you better understand threats, protection, and solutions.

Benefit from a comprehensive approach with maximum protection and minimum disruption.

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